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Starry nights, sled dogs and races


The sky is filled with stars.  You are finally out for your night run.  All you can see is the dogs in front of you with your headlamp—all you can hear are the runners sliding through the snow.  All you can think of is how beautiful the dogs are, how great they are running and you don’t have a care in the world.  This is your team . . . you raised them from pups and look how they have come together . . . You are mushing…


Welcome to our blog! We are Adanac Sleds and Equipment. For over 35 years, we have been making dog sleds and equipment for dog mushing.Throughout the year, we also promote and organize sled dog races, serving on the board of directors for Race to the Sky and officers for Montana Mountain Mushers as well as helping other sled dog races. Our life is all about working with dogs and we have both been involved in the sport, Jack as a distance racer for many years, innovator, sleds and equipment maker, organizer and Pam as an organizer of dog sled events, a dog musher, handler, avid skijorer, scooterer and bikejorer.

We work with everyone, from beginning dog musher, professional dog mushers to Hollywood producers. We recently finished building three sleds for The Discovery Channel’s upcoming series, Klondike, which is an adaptation of the book, Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich in the Klondike. We have also worked with other movie production companies and commercial shoots, museums, and written for international and online magazines to help promote mushing.We try to give our customers guidance in whatever they are looking for in dog mushing equipment or sleds.


While our expertise is in dog mushing, skijoring, bikejoring, scootering, and canicross, our passions is to educate everyone on working dogs and how important it is to exercise each dog for their overall health and well being.Whether you have one dog or a kennel full of dogs, exercising them goes beyond the usual health benefits—it’s a great way to promote good health for the owner and dogs.It is a win-win situation!


If hard pressed to break down Adanac Sleds and Equipment’s mission statement into four goals, they would be the following: advice, awareness, equipment, and education.

  • Advice – we work with a wide scope of people:beginners, seasoned dog mushers, pet owners, production companies and others, advising them on proper equipment, safety tips, nutrition, training, as well as advising them on what equipment they need equipment (and don’t need).We meet them where they are and help them grow at their pace.
  • Awareness – we bring awareness to the exciting world of mushing by promoting and organizing sled dog races and education clinics.
  • Equipment – we are the industry leader in mushing equipment, including our famous ZIMA X- back harness and our newest multi-sport harness.We offer many sizes, custom sizes and colors and styles to choose from.
  • Education – we educate the public on sled dog races, working dogs, and much more and we LOVE helping someone get started running dogs.


Keep your eyes on our webpage for updates, news, mushing tips, races and sledding trends!  We can’t wait to share with you.